PFP7/C Research Flame Photometer
ï Designed for research applications
ï Supplied with Na, K and Li filters
ï Low temperature, single channel
ï Flame failure safety system
ï Operates with propane, butane, natural gas or LPG
ï 3 year warranty
The PFP7/C is a low temperature, single channel flame photometer that is specifically designed for use in research applications for the determination of sodium, potassium and lithium. The in-built lineariser circuitry of the PFP7/C enables readings of both sodium and potassium to be displayed directly in mmol/l.
PFP7 Industrial Flame Photometer
ï Designed for industrial analysis
ï Supplied with Na, K, Li, Ba and Ca filters
ï Low temperature, single channel
ï Flame failure safety system
ï Operates with propane, butane, natural gas or LPG
ï 3 year warranty
The PFP7 is a low temperature, single channel flame photometer that is designed
for the routine determination of sodium, potassium, calcium, barium and lithium concentrations.
The flame failure safety system makes these products ideal for use in industrial and educational environments.
The use of fine and coarse sensitivity controls allows for accurate measurements each and every time.